mdby……RAUL DEL SOL #2

Do you remember the work of the artist Raul del Sol? We will learn more about him today…..and here you can check his new website!.


I’m always… a positive person.
I grew up… with colour paints.
When I was a child, I wanted to be… a vet!!!
I never thought about me… working outside a creative world.



Right now… drinking a beer.
My favourite hobby… Begur, the beach and the sun.
My work means.. stability
I feel like at home… comfy.
On a rainy day… I use a lot of China ink.
I couldn’t live without… light.
I’ve always wondered how… I would be bold!!!
I wish I knew… when I’m talking seriously
Every day I like… to smile while looking to the mirror in the mornings.
I wish I could… fall sleep faster.
I’m a great believer in… keeping life balance.
An open secret about me… I love wood.
I wish I had… erase and save buttons.
A perfect day… is what I try to have each single day.
Art is… my passion, the way I express myself.
If you are going to travel to… India, wait one more year.
I’m bored… very few times



Someday I hope… I don’t hope, I’ve got it.
I’d like to be… father.
My next step is… large format pieces.
In ten years… 45.

