mdby……ANA KRAŠ #2

1_ana kras_bonbon

Do you remember ANA KRAŠ? I really llike her work, and you have here more about her colorful work……

2_ana kras_bonshowdan

How ‘Bonbon’ lamps idea comes up?

5 years ago, one day, i had the image of a bonbon lamp in my head and idea of how to make it, and i tried and that is how i made the first one.

3_ana kras_113_bons

What do you try to express through colors?

I choose colors very instinctively, without thinking

4_ana kras_205_porodica2

5_ana kras_bigmarne2

All of them are diferent? you make them by commission?

Each one so far was handmade by me and different, and yes, i most often make them per request.
